Friday, June 15, 2012

facial proportions

So, I realized some time around that I have absolutely NO IDEA about the facial proportions on the average human.
Well, I knew that the eyes were in the middle of the head, vaguely, as in: I normally draw a line in the middle of the face when drawing characters. Because, uuuh... well, I knew why, but it was stowed so far away in the back of my mind I had completely forgotten about it.
Shame on me. >.<
So I decided to look around a bit and become wiser. U.U
15 minutes later, I had found 11 different opinions on facial features and ways to place them correctly. And was even more confused than when I started.
Anyhow, I tried to draw a proportioned face with the information i had found, and the help of my art book, which featured yet another method to draw proportions... with the result that I had basically no idea what I was doing and made it up as it went. And I still dont know how the heck I placed the mouth.
The result is this somewhat symmetrical but very scary face. Very scary.
So, I'm asking for someone with an attentive eye and basic art class education to have a look at this and...
No seriously, I really want some help and tips on this, because if you get the basics wrong... well, you get everything wrong.
And there's no way a real person has that large eyes...

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